Friday, December 16, 2011

Race Day

Our Mouse trap vehicle in the first distance run.

My teams  vehicle went around the 16m mark when we raced it to see how far it went.

Our vehicle in the second distance run.

In the drag race our vehicle the string on wound right wen the teacher said go and we set it off any ways and it didn't move so we were qualified.

Our mouse Trap vehicle on race day.

If i had the chance to modify my teams vehicle i would fix the wheels because the wheels were wobbly and it the didn't wobble the probably would have went farther. Other than that i thought the vehicle had a pretty good design.

My teams Mouse trap vehicle on test day.

If i could completely design and build a new car  i would use a CD rather than a record for the front wheel because i think that using the CD will make the vehicle go faster and i would add a balloon on the wheel because it would add traction. Other than that i would keep the design the same other than maybe making the chastity shorter i liked the design and would keep it the same. 

Our Third distance run on the track.

Our mouse trap vehicles was consistent it went 10m+ each time we ran it down the track.

My teams second run on the track.

Our first run on the track.

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