Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mouse trap vehicle test day

In physics we have been making our mouse trap vehicles which is our second challenge project and last monday was our test day we were to have a working prototype. My group did have a working vehicle. Our vehicle is very reliable, durable and effective as it worked all the times we tested it and it did break. The vehicle is safe a easy to operate.

Picture of our groups vehicle being preped for a run.

Our vehicle's path isn't completly straight but it doesn't go outside the set 2 m it stays within 1 m. It  doesnt fade to far to the left or right.

Picture of the vehicle being set up, just about to be set off.

The vehicle went  12 m then back 6 the first time then it went about 14m it then went 17m then 14m then around the 14 again so it is pretty persistante.

Front view of our mouse trap vehicle.

We aren't making any major changes other than reversing the front fo rhe back and winding it different.

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