Thursday, December 22, 2011

Web Quest Speed and Acceleration

1) Instantaneous Speed - the speed at any given instant in time.
  • Average Speed - the average of all instantaneous speeds; found simply by a distance/time ratio.
When you are looking at a speedometer on you vehicle it is instantaneous velocity.
2) d=v*t
3)Acceleration is a vector quantity that is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity. An object is accelerating if it is changing its velocity.
 after 4m the car will be going 28m/s/s
Part 2
1)Whatever characteristics the velocity has, the slope will exhibit the same (and vice versa).
If the slope of the position time graph inceases the velocity will increase as well.
 2) The slope equation says that the slope of a line is found by determining the amount of rise of the line between any two points divided by the amount of run of the line between the same two points. In other words,
  • Pick two points on the line and determine their coordinates.
  • Determine the difference in y-coordinates of these two points (rise).
  • Determine the difference in x-coordinates for these two points (run).
  • Divide the difference in y-coordinates by the difference in x-coordinates (rise/run or slope).    
 3)the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph reveals useful information about the acceleration of the object.If it is in the negitive section or positive section.
a, d, h are the answers to the check your understanding.
Part 3
1) A free falling object is an object that is falling under the sole influence of gravity.
All free-falling objects (on Earth) accelerate downwards at a rate of 9.8 m/s/s (often approximated as 10 m/s/s)
2) The acceleration of the object is an increasing acceleration and theacceleration for the object on mars is 3.75 m/s/s.

Racer Recomendations

My experience overall with the Mouse trap vehicle challenge project was fun and knowledgeable.What went well for our team was that we all got along with each other. Our vehicle worked the first time it was tested so it was well thought through.

Some tips that would help the activity work more successfully would be to think about how the axles will turn if your gluing things together.You want to make sure your vehicle doesn't wobble and the there isn't a lot of friction because it will slow it down.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Race Day

Our Mouse trap vehicle in the first distance run.

My teams  vehicle went around the 16m mark when we raced it to see how far it went.

Our vehicle in the second distance run.

In the drag race our vehicle the string on wound right wen the teacher said go and we set it off any ways and it didn't move so we were qualified.

Our mouse Trap vehicle on race day.

If i had the chance to modify my teams vehicle i would fix the wheels because the wheels were wobbly and it the didn't wobble the probably would have went farther. Other than that i thought the vehicle had a pretty good design.

My teams Mouse trap vehicle on test day.

If i could completely design and build a new car  i would use a CD rather than a record for the front wheel because i think that using the CD will make the vehicle go faster and i would add a balloon on the wheel because it would add traction. Other than that i would keep the design the same other than maybe making the chastity shorter i liked the design and would keep it the same. 

Our Third distance run on the track.

Our mouse trap vehicles was consistent it went 10m+ each time we ran it down the track.

My teams second run on the track.

Our first run on the track.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mouse trap vehicle test day

In physics we have been making our mouse trap vehicles which is our second challenge project and last monday was our test day we were to have a working prototype. My group did have a working vehicle. Our vehicle is very reliable, durable and effective as it worked all the times we tested it and it did break. The vehicle is safe a easy to operate.

Picture of our groups vehicle being preped for a run.

Our vehicle's path isn't completly straight but it doesn't go outside the set 2 m it stays within 1 m. It  doesnt fade to far to the left or right.

Picture of the vehicle being set up, just about to be set off.

The vehicle went  12 m then back 6 the first time then it went about 14m it then went 17m then 14m then around the 14 again so it is pretty persistante.

Front view of our mouse trap vehicle.

We aren't making any major changes other than reversing the front fo rhe back and winding it different.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So latley in physics we have been learning about motion and we are starting our 2nd challenge project.This will be one of the posts related to it.

I tink that a light wieght material for the chastity would be critical for the design because i think it may move it faster or farther.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Today in physics class we went over electric force and had electroscopes demenstrated for use.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today in physics we did a work sheet and talked about static electricity.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Paper Tower Competition!!!!

This is my groups tower.
Our tower held 1500 grams which is 500 grams  less than the amount needed. It was 36 cm tall the exact height it was supposed to be. Here are the pictures of who got tallest, strongest, and most attractive tower.

Strongest tower it supported 5500 grams. Photo by Mr bertram.

Tallest tower 44.0 cm. Photo by Mr.bertram.
The most attractive tower. Photo by Mr.bertram.
I found the competition the most rewarding because you had built and then knowing that the tower you built actually can suppot weight.

The tower was pretty well the smae as we had planned. We thought the poles maybe would be smaller but the bigger ones worked better. An be didn't have supports in the original plan.

I woul put support beamsgoing out around it in a triangle shape to help support the tower. If this was done then the tower would have been more balanced and would have held more.

Here are some video clips of our tower durng competition. 

This a clip of the tower being set up.

Our tower holding 1000 grams.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today we tested our towers. And tommorow we find out who had strongest , tallest , and most attractive tower. So ill post how well we did then.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today in science we were going to do our competition but plan's change and ts set for tommorow. we worked on 20.1 study guide.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yesterday in physics class we continued to make our papper towers. Not quite sure how there going to turn out. It will be a very interesting monday when we test the to see how much they hold.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today in class we started on our paper tour challenge. W e can only use 10 pappers 1 m of tape and it must hold 2000 grams.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The last few days in Physics we have be setting up our blogs. Today we made our first post.