Friday, September 23, 2011

Today in physics class we went over electric force and had electroscopes demenstrated for use.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today in physics we did a work sheet and talked about static electricity.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Paper Tower Competition!!!!

This is my groups tower.
Our tower held 1500 grams which is 500 grams  less than the amount needed. It was 36 cm tall the exact height it was supposed to be. Here are the pictures of who got tallest, strongest, and most attractive tower.

Strongest tower it supported 5500 grams. Photo by Mr bertram.

Tallest tower 44.0 cm. Photo by Mr.bertram.
The most attractive tower. Photo by Mr.bertram.
I found the competition the most rewarding because you had built and then knowing that the tower you built actually can suppot weight.

The tower was pretty well the smae as we had planned. We thought the poles maybe would be smaller but the bigger ones worked better. An be didn't have supports in the original plan.

I woul put support beamsgoing out around it in a triangle shape to help support the tower. If this was done then the tower would have been more balanced and would have held more.

Here are some video clips of our tower durng competition. 

This a clip of the tower being set up.

Our tower holding 1000 grams.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today we tested our towers. And tommorow we find out who had strongest , tallest , and most attractive tower. So ill post how well we did then.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today in science we were going to do our competition but plan's change and ts set for tommorow. we worked on 20.1 study guide.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yesterday in physics class we continued to make our papper towers. Not quite sure how there going to turn out. It will be a very interesting monday when we test the to see how much they hold.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today in class we started on our paper tour challenge. W e can only use 10 pappers 1 m of tape and it must hold 2000 grams.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The last few days in Physics we have be setting up our blogs. Today we made our first post.